October 2024

The next Album “Terrible Beauty” will be released on Nov 1st 2024.

I’ve been gigging some of the songs of late, a few more are straining at the leash. It’s always a challenge trying to slip new verses into the set…

Over the past months I’ve been slipping them in, hither and thither, hoping that no one would notice…

It has been a very diverse and enjoyable process…recording in different locations, making the best of what was available… David Meade always willing to have a go, Johnny Meade always ready to make it work…. Memories of earlier albums are always linked with different studios…. You had to go to a studio to make an album, all the studios were excessively expensive and totally controlled by music business honchos…. a different buzz these days…. the tide turned when Michelle Shocked recorded an album on her “Walkman” …the cat was well and truly out of the basket…. I recorded the album “Traveller” in our Garden Shed.

Here are the songs we’ve been recording in recent times:

1. Boy in The Wild

The last song Wally Page sent me, a few months before he died. These are the words he shared;

“Hiya Christy, just a kernel of an idea. Might be shite. See if it connects. Wal x”

Wally wrote like no other. A unique wordsmith and melody maker. Working with him was always a pleasure…. He shared generously and collaborated with sensitivity. I loved those precious hours we spent together. Always remembered.

This song means a lot to me – distant memories of my own Father who died when I was 11. In his few brief lines Wally paints a picture that will resound with many. I tagged on the middle 8 but never got to run it past my good Companero.

2. Sunflowers

“Sunflowers” comes from Mike Harding of Crumpsall, Manchester. He sent it to me for a Concert in support of Red Cross in Ukraine… I read it at the gig in Vicar St. Dublin… tried it again in Gavin Murphy’s studio. He created a beautiful setting. Looking out the window of Gavin’s studio I could see Downings House across the fields – Where we recorded the “Prosperous” album 52 years ago.

3. Black and Amber

Says it all…. Briany Brannigan nails it – dysfunction, family abuse, alcoholism, selfishness, cruelty – all wrapped in this fine song. A grand chorus that helps to render the suffering (perhaps) more palatable… it only takes a few verses for the message to sink in…. this is great writing…. after a few months the chorus is already being sung… always a good sign.

4. Lemon Sevens

I’m at a Whelan’s Gig in Dublin…. A Lazarus Soul are playing a stormer…I’m immersed in the sounds of guitar, bass, drums… Briany’s giving it loads but I’m not getting all the words…then I hear him sing: “here’s me head me arse is comin down the Straffan Road” … That sets me off… I gotta read and hear all the words of this song…. I go to the merch table to purchase their albums and bootlegs…. I get home and start to copy down the words of this great song…. it’s a classic ballad, it’s a big song….in my repertoire it sits beside “The Well Below The Valley” “Little Musgrave” and “Gortatagort’… one of the very best of songs…this song will live on – a stark reminder of the times we live in .. and Briany gave me his blessing to proceed.

5. Broomielaw

I was miserably working in The National Bank by day, happily following the songs at night…. There were numerous Music sessions scattered around the city in the mid-1960s – Al O’Donnell, Jessie Owens, Maeve Mulvanney, The Dubliners, Dolly MacMahon, The Ludlows and Danny Doyle were a few of the numerous singers and players that could be heard around Dublin back then…. I followed The Parnell Folk for a time. Mick Moloney, Donal Lunny and Dan Maher were the main players. Mick Moloney used to sing this song. I slept on his floor in Rathmines and we swopped songs. For almost 60 years I’ve had this beautiful song in my repertoire, never gigged or recorded it. Mick died last year in a far-off land…. I sing it in his memory…he was The Rambler from Limerick.

6. Cumann na Mná

This song started out when Mick Blake sent me a few verses that were inspired by Rob Wotton of Sky TV. I played it for Joxer… He was like a terrier onto a badger… I’ve kicked it around for a while and now it’s gaining traction. Various teachers and Gael Goers have already pointed out grammatical incorrections in the brilliant refrain.

Steve Coogan might cover it…

7. The Rock

Five years ago, Cathal Hayden played this at a sound check in Vicar St Dublin…. I’ve never forgotten it. I’ve always had a soft spot for the Banjo… it began one night in Prosperous in 1964 when Barney McKenna rode into County Kildare and joined the session… Ever since my spirits lift when I hear good Banjo playing. Cathal Hayden is a master of both Banjo and Fiddle.

8. Life and Soul

Words spoken (anonymously) at an event in Maynooth University which commemorated the death of young Anne Lovett. Anne died alone, giving birth beneath the stars. Her baby son also perished in that lonely graveyard as Ireland went about its business.

Nigel Rolfe wrote a song for Anne 40 years ago. I recorded that with Sinéad way back…. everybody knew, nobody said (i.e. everybody in Ireland) … Anne Lovett’s death exposed a raw nerve on the Island.

Let us build a loving pagan shrine in her name.

9. Lyra McKee

I tried to write a song in memory of Lyra …. then I received this song from James Cramer. I made contact with him and received his blessing to record it…. I was aware of Lyra before her tragic senseless death…the image of that young murderer firing aimlessly into the crowd still burns darkly…the memory of Lyra shines bright…. a beautiful, courageous and compassionate young woman well remembered in James’ fine song.

10. Darkness Before the Dawn

Pete Kavanagh from Naas wrote this ballad…when he sang it in  The Red Hot Music Club in Kilcullen it was heard by my friend Noel Heavey. Noel tipped me off about this song and I set off in pursuit of Pete Kavanagh. Pete sent me the song and allowed me adjust it to “my fit” …. it’s short and complete  and describes a reckless and subsequently disastrous IRA raid on the NAAFI store in my home town of Newbridge…. It would have been a justifiable raid on the English Army of occupation had there not been an innocent civilian family asleep upstairs. This awful event took place 100 yards from our home in Moorefield Terrace. Yet I heard nothing of this tragedy until Pete’s fine song came my way.

11. The Big Marquee

Been struggling to get this song into the set…but recently starting singing it rather than rappin it…it has taken to its air…I’ll record it again in due course…with some companeros making a bit of a racket in the background…very happy with this lyric…

Started writing it as Mick Devine and I drove across the Curragh Plains to play The Marquee in Cork. By the time we hit Dunkettle it was well on the way.

12. Palestine

I was Playing a Concert for Medicin San Frontiers in Gaza and received this song from Jim Page in Seattle…I continued to sing it at subsequent gigs and received permission from Jim to make some alterations and to record it. “Palestine” has been well received (overwhelmingly) every time I sing it…. sparse criticism from supporters of Israel’s genocide on the beleaguered people of Palestine…. some accuse me of being antisemitic.

That concert was a response to seeing the acronym *W.C.N.S.F coined in a Gaza Hospital. Days later that same Hospital was bombed by Israeli Airforce and 3 Doctors fromM.S.F. perished. The concert was dedicated to Dr. Mahmoud Abu Nujaila, Dr. Ahmad Al Sahar,and Dr. Ziad Al-Tatari who died in the attack on Al Awda Hospital.

*Wounded Child No Surviving Family

13. Snowflakes

Damn blast those cowardly pathetic lonely keyboard warriors, their hatred engenders utter despair, can anyone pray for them? I salute the courage and selfless activism of Martin Leahy. “Everyone Should Have a Home” (YouTube).

So that’s it. There you have it… “Terrible Beauty” is due out Nov 1st. It will be on the Claddagh Label (at Universal) …. A Martin Gale painting graces the sleeve, he titled the painting thus…. A single has been released already. It has gained good airplay and response. The next single will have a music video…my first music video since 1986….it features Liam Cunningham and Ollie West who play Father and Son in Ellius Grace’s video of the song “Boy in The Wild” …This was the last song that Wally Page sent me before he died. A great song from my dear friend and collaborator…

The current gigs are tipping along…. this is year 58 of the tour…. crew in good order, everyone focused and pulling out all the stops.

Thank you all out there for listening …


October 2024

Let It Bring Hope

I Just watched this powerful short film about the recent football match between Bohemians VS Palestine on 15th May. If you have 20 minutes to spare today give it a watch – Christy


They Never Came Home

I came across this the other day & thought some of you might be interested in reading … Christy


DavĂłg Rynne Gig – 20th April 2024

My nephew DavĂłg Rynne has been singing in France & Germany for many years. He lives in France with his Family & will make a visit back to Ireland soon to play a gig in The Four Provinces, Kimmage, Dublin on Saturday April 20th 2024. I’ve not heard him sing since Spanish Point 25 years ago – Looking forward to hearing him again.Tickets @ 12 euro – available at Eventbrite – click – HERE


Website Update

Good Listeners,

The website was down for 48 hours for service and updating.. Its now back on… I’m working on an album here I’ll post an update when that job is done Best for now …


“Flying into Mystery” Cover Art

Dear Listeners,

David Rooney created the sleeve for my recent album “Flying Into Mystery”.

He has now released a limited edition of high quality, signed prints which are available from his website.

A visit to David’s site reveals the extent of his work and what drew me towards our collaboration.

Check it out! https://www.davidrooney.com/



9th August 2023


Our Warrior Woman has been laid to rest.

Fearless and Fragile, may She Rest in Peace.

We send our condolences to all her Family and Loved Ones

I had the privilege of singing with Sinéad on a number of occasions.

Always from the heart, always creating magic in the moment.

Together we sang Nigel Rolfe’s memorial to Anne Lovett back in 1987,

Jimmy MacCarthy’s “Mad Lady and Me”, Ewan MacColl’s “First Time Ever”,

his “Sweet Thames Flow Softly” and Sinéad’s “In This Heart”.

The last song we sang together was “Lord Baker” for her “Sean NĂłs Nua” album.

Sinéad reached everyone on this Island and far beyond.

Today She is mourned, She will always be missed, She will never be forgotten.


Mick Blake wrote “Oblivious” which I recorded some years back.

A native of Donegal he has been living and teaching in Leitrim.

I love his work and the way he makes it

He did an interview recently on Highland Radio  https://fb.watch/m0B_Ax1thx/


David Rooney (who created the album cover for “Flying into Mystery”) has done an etching of James Connolly.

I will share the news here when a limited edition becomes available.


Work continues here on a bunch of new songs….

I am currently on the annual August break. The crew are resting


Paddy’s at the Boston Fleadh,

Johnny’s at the Hay in Rossnowlagh

Jeff’s at the lights in Sandymount Green

Mick’s with The Dubs on Hill 16

Davy’s up in Derry mixin’ Songs

Dickon’s at the Black & Decker hammer and thongs


Saw a good movie called Blue Jay.

Gonna go and see Oppenheimer.

Been practicing “The Sun is Burning in The Sky” (Ian Cambell) Hiroshima Nagasaki American Roulette (Jim Page), Clock Winds Down (Jim Page) After The Deluge (Jackson Browne), How Long (Jackson Browne).

Singing them to myself here in the workroom, despondent at times, but it’s an uplifting gift to have these songs to sing


Went to New Theatre in Essex St to see Ken Loach’s film on the shafting of Jeremy Corbyn by the Labour Party – “Oh Jeremy Corbyn” – an eye opener which confirmed what many of us have suspected these past years.


Listening to a new album from Steo Wall; “Street Music for Lost Souls”  – it’s a good listen.


It’s a grand August day here. It’s great to be alive – sending best wishes to all you songsters out there



Thank You All …

To all of You,

North-South-East & West Above & Below, Adout & Adin Who made contact who sent birth day good wishes cards texts gifts Thank You, each and every one.. so far,this 78th year, is going very well… Sligo beckons this week, some recording too, a few new songs on the bench.

With gratitude and best wishes


A Chat to start 2023 …

A Chat to start 2023.


Good Listeners all,


It’s a busy day here in the workroom.

Thankfully the year has kicked off well with some gigs in Vicar Street Dublin.

Two new songs introduced – “Lemon 7s” by Brian Brannigan and “Lyra McKee” by James Cramer.

“The Big Marquee” is on the verge and “Zozimus and Zimmerman” chomping on the bit.

great to see some (long-haul) familiar faces returning after the yoke. The gig has been uplifted by the arrival of many new listeners.

The audience participation swelling to Barrowland proportions which is magnificent to behold. These nights the listeners sing joyfully in choral unison then listen carefully when a quiet song begins. After 56 years of gigging it never fails to inspire.

Thankfully the voice appears to be holding up – fingers crossed. I hope to continue as long as the voice box does (and the legs to carry it).

The crew are still intact and on the ball.  Paddy, Mick, Dickon, David, John and Geoff still 100% supportive as they strive to ensure that singer and listener can make the best of every gig.


Since covid, gigs have been confined to Ireland (32 Counties). It’s not known yet if or when we’ll ferry again. Air travel is no longer an option for me.

I’ve no specific recording plans but many ideas are kicking about.

Up until recent years, the “next album” would always have been a priority but that seems to have faded a bit. I’ve not tried to analyse this feeling –  Not sure whether it’s my age or the changing attitude to recorded music.

The public listening to music has changed utterly. The return to vinyl is promising – nothing beats good audio reproduction. The full sound of well-played, well recorded, well amplified music is still so rewarding, but the convenience of new devices seems to rule the roost.

Thankfully, many are coming back to gigs again…that’s where songs and music are at their best.


We attended a song circle last night – 35 people gathered and most of them sang at least one song. we heard numerous songs for the first time and many more were great favourites

An extra bonus was to hear two of my own songs sung by other singers. that’s a great buzz altogether – “On the Bridge” and “Come all You Dreamers” never sounded better.


I came across this Obituary to Ciarán Bourke, a founder member of The Dubliners. It appeared in the Irish Times after Ciarán’s death in 1988 & was written by my Brother-in-law Davoc Rynne


CIARAN BOURKE – An Appreciation – published in The Irish Times in 1988

I wasn’t the only one that noticed him at the Gorey Leinster Fleadh on a sunny weekend in 1962. Himself and Jennie were certainly not the kind of people that would be lost in a crowd. Ciaran, tall tangle bearded and dressed rough in a donkey jacket with bits of hay hanging from it and Jeannie, small wearing a hand knit gansey to her knees, walking barefooted. No, they would certainly not go un-noticed in a small town in the early 60’s when beards were as rare as ships in a forest, seen only on old men or apostles of JC. I had devoured Jack Kerouac’s Dharma Bums, but Ciarán Bourke was the first beatnik I had ever seen. I was determined to meet this man. Later in the year at the Fiddlers Club in Church Street in Dublin, I got my chance. I found out from him that he was a builder and general Jack of all Trades. I told him of a job available in Prosperous doing up an old house. He hitched down the following week, with difficulty. Long beards were discriminated against at the time! He told me he walked with his back to the traffic, thumbing, but when turning around his potential lift would put the boot down. He arrived with no baggage other than a Clarke’s tin whistle.

He could converse on any subject under the sun. Hours we spent discussing how to cook a chicken without plucking it. Any open-hearth cooking, using pots, spits, cranes or whatever, he was past master at. He saw the open fire as the centre of the universe, were all domestic and social activity took place. Every night he picked a prime position and rolled his blanket down in front of the fire. He also had the amazing gift of bringing the best out in everybody. He discovered dormant talents in people in Prosperous they hardly knew they had themselves. Some that hadn’t played for 20 years he got them to bring out their instruments and have a go again. They sang to him, told yarns and played music and he was very tolerant of their rustiness. Ciaran sang “The Cruise of the Calabar” – “it’s only forty verses and I won’t detain you long”, played superbly the “Cuckoo Hornpipe”, told stories and to any audience and an audience could be one. I remember a local Garda Sergeant arriving in full uniform with his set of pipes. He played for an hour for just the two of us. Other sessions weren’t quite so small and intimate. One night all the Dublin beatniks arrived. There was Dusty, Stan, Ben, Nat, Jeannie, Rusty, Dick, Jake, names that float to my mind. Some had no names and no addresses. There were fires lit and food was cooked and a dozen pints could be bought for a pound, if you had a pound!

These were heady pre-TV/Walkman days that I will always remember, but for Ciaran Bourke they would not have happened for me. He was the centre of it. The house eventually got restored and it still doesn’t let in the rain and the toilet still works! Only three times I met Ciaran since. Once on a fleeting visit to Prosperous, next at Christy Moore’s wedding when we were all too drunk to converse and lastly at Luke’s funeral when we were all too sad to talk.

Ciaran Bourke will remain in many a mind. He was salt of the earth, a wild and hilarious man.

May the sod rest lightly on him.



I thought that some of you might like to remember Ciarán – a truly gifted Troubadour.

It was in Davoc’s house that the “Prosperous” album was recorded 52 years ago.

Since then, Davoc and my sister Anne have been living in West Clare where they are both involved in making music and song. They can be heard here; https://www.rynnefolk.com/


Tuesday January 10th.

Last night in Vicar St rang clear in my head – it just seemed to flow. Before me, beneath me, beside me, around me, gathered a gaggle of listeners who travelled with me every verse of the way. To my right, somewhere in the room was a very special listener. a precious person who participated in their own very special way. Every now and then I feel blessed to hear those special sounds – Thank You dear listener, whoever you may be.


It was night 10 of a 13-night run in the Dublin venue that, for a variety of reasons, is close to my heart. Since it first opened 25 years ago, I’ve played there perhaps 200 times. I know every nook and cranny of the room. I’ve also attended numerous gigs as a listener – Jackson Browne, Lisa O’Neill, Roseanne Cash, Damien Dempsey, Tommy Tiernan, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Dylan Moran, Janis Ian, Jackie Mason, Steve Cooney, Kila and others. I’ve played many benefit gigs there in support of front-line workers. The venue is run by the Aiken Family. Last year marked 50 years since my first gig with Aikens. Back then the late Jim Aiken promoted a Planxty Concert in The Carlton Cinema on O’Connell St in Dublin. It was to mark the release of the first Planxty Album (the black one!). That was a night to remember. It’s heart-breaking to see what has become of O’Connell Street –  the Main Street in our Capital City has been turned into a Monopoly Board where Dublin City Councillors/Planners/Developers/Builders/Gambling & Burger Joint Proprietors wreak havoc on that once gracious thoroughfare.


Last night’s gig featured these songs (not in this sequence – I’m working from memory here)


Quinte Brigada

Lyra McKee

Lemon 7s



Magdalen Laundry (Joni Mitchell)

Clock Winds Down

Ringing The Bell

Nancy Spain

Black is The Colour

On the Mainland

Back Home in Derry



Ordinary Man

Ride On

Stitch in Time

Welcome to the Cabaret

The Voyage



Sail On Jimmy



Today I hope to record a video gig for the contingent of Irish Soldiers on UN Service in the Golan Heights – hopefully they’ll get to see it on Patrick’s Day in the GPO at their camp. we’ll record it in a room where the road crew lodge. a chair, a guitar, a camera, a recorder and away we go.



Then to hear the news from West Kerry …

Seamus Begley has died. What a Gaeltacht man was he. A gentle giant of a man with the most beautiful singing voice, His polkas, reels and jigs were the heart of many the set.

His slow airs always full of passion and pathos. On top of that his charm, his fun and roguery were infectious. I toured with Seamus and Steve Cooney way back. The excitement of their music has stayed with me ever since. Deepest Sympathy to his Family, his Friends and to the Community he so cherished.


Days later – dark of night – not sure what date we’re at.

The Vicar Street run of gigs came to an end – 13 nights over 6 weeks.

My thanks to all who make the venue such a great place to work.

My own Team, Aiken’s Crew and the Vicar Street Operation all working together towards the same conclusion.


Time now to reflect as we look forward to what lies ahead.

May the songs and music keep our spirits high.




New Album & Upcoming Dates …

Dear Listeners

I’m delighted to announce my new single, Clock winds Down is out today, ahead of the new album, Flying into Mystery on 17th November. I’ll be back in Vicar street for fully seated shows on Nov 24 & 30, Dec 6, 8, 14 & 16 and Jan 3, 9, 11 & 17.  General tickets sale starts on Thursday 28/10. Really looking forward to getting back to singing the ballads.

Ride On


The album will be available on digital stores, CD & gatefold vinyl and is available to pre-order here: https://ChristyMoore.lnk.to/FlyingIntoMysteryFA

September 2021

Pearse Stadium, Salthill, Galway, August 26th 2021

City of Chicago

Quinte Brigada

Ride On


The Two Conneeleys

Lingo Politico


No Time For Love

Missing You

Delirium Tremens

Ordinary man


Tuam Beat

Go Move Shift

Black is The Colour

Back Home in Derry

Cliffs of Dooneen


We had a glorious trip to Galway. just to be back out on the road was reward in itself. Michael Devine and I left early. We decided to leave the Motorway and travel West on the old road. That revived many memories from gigs of old. Arriving into Galway we encountered the usual traffic mayhem. Once again, I was shocked at the awfulness of what planners have done to Galway Harbour. Such an appalling act of desecration upon that beautiful City. We made it across The Corrib and into the sun drenched green of Pearse Stadium. Had a walk around the field and enjoyed a few pucks of the sliothar before sound check. For 18 months we have wondered would we ever get to work again. A joyful reunion with the road crew. Up on to the substantial stage erected in front of the main stand where 1200 would later gather, socially distanced. Guitars all checked, monitors in order and David tweaking a top shelf PA system. Back in my dressing room (usually reserved for the Galway Footballers and Hurlers) getting into my pre gig routine I heard Junior Brother warming up next door, so went in and had a chat with him. Hope to hear a lot more of his work in the future. The gig itself was amazing for me – such a welcome, such participation, I just tore into it and loved every minute of it.

The Pavilion Theatre, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. September 1st 2021

City of Chicago

Quinte Brigada

GasĂşn (abandoned)

Black is The Colour (to the rescue)

Welcome to the Cabaret

Go Move Shift

The Two Conneeleys

Lingo Politico

Flying into Mystery

Farmer Michael Hayes

Pity The Poor Immigrant

Zozimus & Zimmerman


North & South of The River

Delirium Tremens

All I Remember

Magdalen Laundry


Faithfull Departed


The Reel in The Flickering Light

Nancy Spain

Ordinary Man

A very different gig to last week. The Dun Laoghaire Folk Festival featured a series of gigs in my local Theatre, curated by Leagues O’Toole of Foggy Notions and Hugh Murray of the Pavilion Theatre. I was delighted to get the call as The Pavilion is only a couple of miles from my hall door. Limited to 50 listeners in a 350 seat auditorium it was a strange setting for both listener and performer but we got there in the end. We can but hope that we are on our way out of this recent debacle and that we have learned to respect the fragility of our existence on this beautiful planet.

Both Galway and Dun Laoghaire gigs were run in conjunction with State bodies. Without state sponsorship and endorsement these gigs would not have happened. Many performers and Production crew members appreciated these opportunities to work again.

Album News.

I have completed an album which will be released in November. “Flying Into Mystery” features 12 tracks produced with Jim Higgins. I’ve never had so much uninterrupted time to devote to a recording. Over 15 months it came together in different locations as lockdown regulations changed from time to time. Most of it was recorded in The Sandymount Hotel. There we had access to a conference room which the crew transformed into an excellent recording facility. Further recordings took place in Derry and in Prosperous, Co Kildare. We are all satisfied with the result of our labours. It remains to be seen what you listeners make of it!!

Gig News.

We may have some gig news to share soon. Fingers crossed as we look forward with hope towards whatever lies ahead.

Christy. 3rd September 2021


June 4th 2021

I got a right buzz when word came through that An Post* had nominated my image to adorn a stamp. My immediate reaction was to think of my grandparents Jack, Ellie and Bridie, how they might be tickled pink at such an outcome. Our old band Planxty were similarly honoured some years back, that too brought on a smile.

“My” stamp is part of a set of four marking 50 years of the World-renowned Glastonbury Festival. The other three performers are Sinéad O’Connor, Hozier and Lisa Hannigan. I’ve had the good fortune to play Glastonbury five times. I have many memories from those gigs, the earlier ones all the fonder.
The whole “stamp” project moved into a different gear for me when I was invited to sing in the G.P.O. (Our General Post Office in the centre of Dublin is the most iconic and historical building in Ireland. It was the hub of the 1916 Rebellion). More than the stamp itself, I perceived this an honour. From the day it was first mentioned it became the main focus of my rehearsing and preparation. I trawled the back repertoire to find two suitable songs. Eventually I settled on “The Foggy Dew” and “Down By The Glenside” neither of which have ever been in my public repertoire.
Our Grandfather, Jack Power came from Hayes, Navan Co Meath. He had one song – “The Foggy Dew”.  Jack would have witnessed volunteers from “The Plains of Royal Meath” hurrying thru to the GPO that Easter tide. Our Grandmother Ellie Sheeran came from The Cotton Mills, Navan Co. Meath. Ellie had one song –  “Down By The Glenside”.
Thus I arrived at the G.P.O. on April 23rd 2021 all set with two songs learned from my Grandparents

The place was thronged, an industrious hive of activity. Valerie came with me and was equally excited at the prospect. Michael Devine, my colleague of 30 years was in charge of our visit. We were warmly welcomed and shown to the Boardroom of An Post. There were security personnel, car park personnel, An Post personnel, Producers, Directors, Camera Crew and Assistants, Sound Engineers, a make-up artist, Set staff, Photographers, a cleaning crew to maintain covid cleaning regulations and others – every single one of them performing their tasks to the very best of their ability.

I soon realised that there were two very different gigs going on. The entire production crew were there to make a commercial ad for An Post whilst I was there to sing in memory of those who died fighting for Freedom. I sang The Foggy Dew three times (for Camera purposes) and that went well. Sitting there in the great hall I became very aware of that iconic painting of James Connolly lying mortally wounded on the marble floor. I realised that I was sitting adjacent to that very spot where Connolly lay. Patrick Galvin’s powerful song came to mind and I decided to do an accapella version. The cameras rolled and I sang Paddy Galvin’s iconic verses. If there is one rendition of a song that will remain in my mind after 65 years of singing, it will be this one. At the end there was deadly silence, then the crew began to move around again. The first thing I heard was “we were hoping to hear something festivally, something with a bit of a Glastonbury vibe”. I must admit, this threw me – twas then I realised that I had come ill prepared
I did my best to finish but fell asunder a bit. I’ve no idea what will emerge from the exercise. I tried a few other songs but my focus was gone. I sincerely hope they will use Patrick Galvin’s great song. The Director promised he would furnish me with the footage and I trusted him to do so.

As for the stamp itself – it features a 35-year-old photo taken around the time of my first Glastonbury experience and is due out in July.



*(Our Irish Postal System pronounced “un pust”)


2nd February 2021

Greetings all you good listeners and songsters.

Recently I received a gift of songs from a gathering of singers. The original suggestion came from Rory in the Scottish Borders.

The recordings were edited together by Pat who dwells “over the moon” in Germany.

It was precious gift which I will always cherish and came at a time when a wind of uplift was greatly appreciated.

Many different singers from around the world shared versions of songs I have been privileged to sing.

I thank you all, Pat & Rory in particular.

I will share below the link for anyone out there who may be interested in hearing the basket of songs I received.


I am deeply immersed in rehearsals and demos at the moment as I prepare to record an album.

Some fine songs have come my way this past year. Working on them has given me great purpose. I’ve also written some songs that may make the cut. Also, some traditional songs have come back up before me.

Circumstance has meant that I only play Solo here in the work room. The songs are developing very much in that format.

I’ve been absent from the Guestbook on my website for the past two weeks.

Normal service will be resumed when the muse returns.

Everybody needs a break.

For those who did not hear or may have forgotten, we have put 8 lockdown sessions up on my Facebook page & also on YouTube … you can view by clicking HERE or HERE

Thank you for listening, for your messages of good will, for being there…


The Early Years … Out Today!

Greetings to all you good Listeners.

Today, Universal Music (Ireland) release a collection of recordings entitled “The Early Years” (1969-1980) which is available HERE

I’m enclosing an interview I did with Leagues O’Toole which was published in The Sunday Business Post:  Christy Moore Interview

I’m also sharing a video which highlights some of the songs. My Son Andy and I made it in lieu of COVID-19 cancellations. Click HERE for video.

The Show gotta go on!

Soon as we get jabbed up with this hoped-for vaccine, we’ll be appearing at a hall near you…. Cork, New York, Dundalk, Gortahork… anyone for the last few choc ices?





New Album

Dear Listeners

Next month (November 2020) Universal Ireland will release a new Album “The Early Years”. It will include 2 CDs and a DVD and will feature audio and video recording from 1969 to 1978.

Pre-order is available by clicking HERE


Reminder for Solo streamed gig – Saturday 19th September …

To all you listeners out there in the beyond,

I’m sending out a reminder for my Solo Gig which will be Streamed Live from The National Concert Hall in Dublin this coming Saturday, 19th September.
Some of you may have enjoyed the 8 Lockdown Sessions and might be interested in joining in.
It will be my first Concert since we shut down last March and  the first time back with the Road crew again. I’m looking forward to that enormously.
I’ve been  thinking a lot about my set & about the challenge the gig presents… I’m gonna give it my best shot as we enter the next phase.


Tickets on sale now @ €16.50 – click HERE for the link …

Any questions about the live stream can be answered here … https://support.dice.fm/article/372-christy-moore-live-stream-faqs

PS …  Here’s a little taster … https://youtu.be/ZAkO7jN_vOU

Live streamed gig from the NCH …

Dear Listeners …

I’ll be streaming a live gig from the National Concert Hall on Saturday 19th September. This a Global Livestream Event.
The concert will go out live from NCH Ireland, UK, Europe, 8.00pm BST / 9.00pm CEST
It will also broadcast at the following local times for audiences in these countries :
U.S. East Coast, 8.00pm EDT
U.S. West Coast, 8.00pm PDT
Australia 8.00pm AEST September 20
You can purchase a ticket for any of these four streams that are most convenient to you.
Tickets are €16.50 and are available now – Click HERE for link …

I hope ye can join me …


Des’s Island Discs

Dear Listeners …

Part 2 of Des’s Island Discs on RTE Radio 1 tonight at 6.30 pm featuring yours truly … Hope ye can tune in.


Click HERE for the link to RTE 1

Episode 8 – 25th July 2020

Dear Listeners,

Here at last is episode 8 …

Track listing is – Ordinary Man, Bright Blue Rose, Joxer, How Long, Sacco & Vanzetti, I Pity the Poor Immigrant.

I hope ye enjoy it – Have a nice weekend.



Episode 7 – 7th July 2020

Dear Listeners,

Apologies for the delay with episode 7 … We had a few technical issues. This weeks songs are – So Do I, Gortatagort, Don’t Forget Your Shovel, Black is the Colour, Viva La Quinta Brigada and Sail on Jimmy.

I hope ye will enjoy it.



Episode 6 – 25th June 2020

Dear Listeners,

Here’s the latest instalment. This week we’ve done Yellow Triangle, I Pity the Poor Immigrant, The Pearly King, One Last Cold Kiss, Go Move Shift & The Time Has Come.

I hope ye enjoy…

All the best,



Episode 5

Dear Listeners …

Here’s Episode 5  – this week I’ve done Lily, Curragh of Kildare, Beeswing, Rosalita & Jack Campbell, Raggle Taggle Gypsy, Tuam Beat, & John O’Dreams. I hope ye enjoy. Keep the questions and requests coming.

Thanks for Listening,



Bloomsday. June 16th 2020…

I send best wishes to you all out there. Time to touch base and share what’s going on here in the work room…

It’s the first time I’ve had an empty diary since 1966, everything this year has been cancelled.  Like everyone else, I’ve no idea when venues might re-open and when gigs might re-commence.

It’s a time of uncertainty as the two lobbies struggle. Public Health & Safety versus Forces of Economic Interests with so many varying concerns on the side-lines.

Gigs, Songs and Music have their place in the debate but, understandably, are well down the list of National priorities.

We can but live in hope and do whatever we can on a daily basis to try to live within the guide lines and to support those on the front lines of defence who tirelessly and selflessly strive to keep us safe.

I give Thanks to all who labour ceaselessly to protect us, just as I abhor all selfish transgressions.

As some of you will know, these past 5 weeks I have commenced weekly sessions from the workroom here.

Our Son Andy records some songs here every Monday, our Daughter Juno posts on Facebook and other platforms on Thursdays.

We recorded episode 5 last night. the sessions have been well received the world over…lots of feedback, questions and requests from Cork, New York, Gortahork and Glenamaddy…

I’m hoping to record a new song this week…in so far as I can recall it will be my first solo (studio) recording. I’m apprehensive and excited in equal measure.

Over the years I have relied heavily upon different compañeros when entering recording studios. The studio set-up is outside my comfort zone. let’s see what emerges…

It’s a new song from Paul Doran. I recorded two songs of his previously -“Natives” and “The Gardener”. we also collaborated on “Let’s make it Work” and “Derby Day”

Paul has just released some new work himself    http://pauldoranmusic.com/album/1620837/double-a-side-single

That’s it for Bloomsday

PS – as Joyce might say about lockdown transgressors;

“The curse of a good-for-nothing God Light Sideways on the bloody thick lugged sons of hoors gets” (from Ulysses –  Cyclops/Citizen)

Lockdown Sessions – Week 4

Dear Listeners,

Here are a few more songs … I hope that you enjoy. Thanks for listening.



Lockdown Sessions week 3 …

Dear Listeners,

Here’s a few more songs for ye. Keep the requests coming and thanks for listening …



2nd Installment …

Dear Listeners – Here’s the second installment. Thanks for listening.



A few songs …

Dear Listeners,

I’ve posted a few songs on facebook. Thinking of doing this regularly – what would ye think?



12th May 2020

Dear Friends, Ravers ,Songsters, Listeners, Communicators and others.

Thank you all for making contact on the occasion of my 75th Birthday.
The poor Postman was bent over carrying all the cards you sent.
The Nokia was hopping all day as your texts pinged in.
The in-box on me mac was like Hill 16 on a September Sunday (of yore)
Cakes, writing materials, photos, memorabilia, CDs and Songs.
It would take me a Year to respond to everyone individually, please accept this collective note of gratitude.

We had a grand day here. The Sun shone down and prevailing conditions called for a very low key celebration.
All things considered it is a remarkable age – way beyond what I would have anticipated in earlier times.
Now that I’m here, I value this time with gratitude, excitement, love and determination.
It’s a time that encompasses fear, powerlessness and anger but  also, and more importantly, hope, compassion, care and love.
For every Johnny Ronan we have tens of thousands of good,  kind hearted people doing their utmost to help fellow citizens.
Thanks to each and every one of you. Thank You

We have no idea what the future holds – the gig diary is completely empty. I miss the company of good companeros, of Band, Crew and Listeners.

Every day I sing and play here. I need to keep in touch with all the songs, constant revision with occasional alterations. There are a number of new covers on the worktop. They challenge me each day but also keep me occupied and content as I begin to learn and to sing them.

As to whether they make it into a “live” set, that’s an entirely different matter with many hurdles to cross.

Keep Coming Back.

Grá agus gach beannact go dtí an gaggle go léir….




Thank You…

To all you 4711ers, songsters, listeners, scallywags and rapscallions.
Thank you for your messages, cards, texts emails, cakes, writing materials, books and good wishes,
See you along the way when the coast is clear.

PS – Here’s some stuff from the archives ye might be interested in checking out.




New Release …

Dear Listeners…

We are about to release a new album of songs for your consideration.
It contains 26 new live recordings gathered under the title of “Magic Nights”
The opening track is “Magic Nights in The Lobby Bar”. A version of John Spillane/Ger Wolf’s classic song recorded at The Opera House, Cork in 2014.
We have recorded all our gigs in recent years. Producer Jimmy Higgins and Sound Engineer David Meade selected these takes from hundreds of gigs.
It has been an enjoyable process. Listening back and discovering special moments, riffs that went unnoticed, choruses long forgotten.

Every gig develops its own atmosphere, every audience being a unique gathering of listeners.

In Belfast we dedicated “Burning Times” to Lyra McKee, her Young Life so cruelly ended on The Creggan.

In Glasgow I responded to a call-out for Spancilhiil and what followed was, for me, a very special version of young Michael Considine’s beautiful song.

When we played Dreamland in Athy I sang Johnny Cash’s version of “Hurt”. I was 18 when I heard him sing in that very same Dancehall. A night I have never forgotten. (Albert Reynolds was on the door!)

In Vicar St, Dublin a voice called out for “Johnny Jump Up”. The Band had not played it before but I dived in and they followed. I cherish such spontaneous moments.

In recent months I have happened upon Sean Mone’s “Rosalita & Jack Cambell”, Pete St John’s “Inchicore Wake, Rob Corcoran’s “Ringing the Bell” and Albert Niland’s “Irish Pagan Ritual” (aka “Sail on Jimmy”) Each one taking its place in the set and gathering momentum along the way.

Its 50 years this year since I released my first album.

I have deep gratitude for the mystery of it all. At work I’m surrounded by a great team of comrades. Their talents and vital contributions keep the show on the road.

Each night at 8.05 we stand side stage, breathe in the air of expectancy, the intoxicating waft of perfume and after shave. The crew complete their final checks, the lights go down and out we go once more to face the Music.

Thank You for listening,

One and All,


October 11th, 2019

Pre-order the Magic Nights album here – https://smi.lnk.to/MagicNights


New Single Out Today

Dear Listeners,

Sail on Jimmy is out today.  I just love singing Albert Niland’s song.  More than any other, it has become an instant hit with audiences everywhere. We recorded this version at The Marquee in Cork on June 30th, 2018. 4,000 people, who had never heard the song before, were singing beautifully by the end of the 3rd chorus. It was a joyful and memorable moment … a stand out memory in 52 years of gigging. You can listen to Sail on Jimmy and follow my Spotify playlist HERE.

Christy x


Dear Listeners,

We are pleased to let you know that our annual December/January shows in Vicar St. are now on sale …

Further details  here on the gig page

Christy …



JUNE 2018

Liverpool Philharmonic. May 5th


1.North and South of The River.

2.Quinte Brigada

3.Black is The Colour


5.Lingo Politico

6.Burning Times.

7.Does this Train stop on Merseyside

8.Morecambe Bay.

9.Missing You

10.Quiet Desperation.

11.Irish Pagan Ritual

12.Go Move Shift.


14.No Time for Love.

15.Raggle Taggle Gypsy

16 Cliffs of Dooneen

17.Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Russian Roulette



20.Yellow Triangle

21.Fairytale of New York

22.City of Chicago

23.Joxer in Stuttgart

24.Ride On.

25.Ordinary man.

26 John O Dreams

  1. Leaving of Liverpool


Kicked off in Liverpool. Always a great reception here since my first gig in Jacqui & Bridie’s Folk Club in 1967.

Many long-haul listeners last night, some crossed from Ireland, others came from Germany, Holland and France. we had a contingent down from Scotland.

I was delighted to meet Margaret and Irene who’ve been listening since we first met in Liverpool 50 years ago. And there they were last night, still full of their heart-warming enthusiasm for the songs.


Manchester Bridgewater May 6th


1.North and South of The River

2.Quinte Brigada

3.Black is The Colour

4.Lingo politico

5.Missing You


7.Go Move Shift


9.Nancy Spain

10.Ordinary Man

11.Burning Times


13.Cliffs of Dooneen

14.Lightning Bird Wind River Man

15.Irish Pagan Ritual


17.Fairytale of New York

18.Ride On

19.Billy Gray

21.Smoke & Strong Whiskey

22.The Dalesman’s Litany

23.Delerium Tremens

24.John O’Dreams

25.No Time for Love


Back again to where my journey first began. My singing started in child hood and continued through choirs, musicals, operettas and early rock & roll.

In my mid-teens I started into Folk Songs and guitar and the flame was lit. aged 21 I got my first real gig in Manchester and the tour began.

I’ll hit the 73 mark tomorrow and still the tour goes on. In 1966 I had a cheap guitar, a donkey jacket, a sleeping bag and very little else. 2018 and I have 3 fellow musicians, we have a crew of 8, a 40-foot truck and two minivans, but the heart of the matter is still the songs

That first gig was in The Old House at Home, an old pub in the suburb Blakeley. the room held 50 max and Mike Harding ran the club with Patricia. the entrance was 3/6 (three shillings and sixpence). Mike was host and compere, other (floor) singers that night was Tony Downes, Mike Canavan, Mary Asquith. I was the “turn” for the night and two 20-minute sets, about 12 songs in all. No microphones back then, lots of camaraderie and Wilsons Ale. Accommodation was floor space to roll out the sleeping bag (I stayed in 9 Kathkin Ave, Crumpsall) These times its major venues and hotels.

Free Day in Manchester May 7th.


Unlike earlier years, in recent times I need to rest the voice after 2 gigs. I can manage 2 gigs, take a night off, then 2 more gigs. these past years I have limited my UK stints to 4 gigs. This seems to suit everyone, most of us have families, some with young children, others with chadults and grand-children. those days of long long tours are over … Aberdeen Tuesday, Brighton Wednesday, Inverness Thursday….

so here I am on my 73rd Birthday, hiding from the heatwave with curtains drawn in a hotel room…resting the vocals, not talking, catching up, watching the Snooker, looking forward to a Rogan Josh and a few chapatis. I first encountered Indian Cuisine back in 1968. Dave and Heather Brady took me to Lumb Lane in Bradford (Saheed’s) where my taste buds first experienced the joy of Curry. later I would frequent Brick Lane in London, Moss Side in Manchester, Kushis in Edinburgh and many of the small eating houses frequented by working people from India and Pakistan.


May 8th. Morning early


Another day dawns. 7am, I wake, and thoughts turn instantly to tonight’s gig in Birmingham. I must try and play Matty, Cry Like a Man, Little Musgrave, Flickering Reel, tonight, maybe The Sun is Burning, I’ve not gigged that song for 30 years but learnt it in Birmingham. Barr na Sráide too, first, I must get up and put on the kettle. Its 100 miles today down the M6 – first time I played Birmingham they were still building the M6


Now we’re on that M6. the congestion is giving me indigestion. I spent 10 mins looking into Walsall Football Club and now Aston Villa is looming, but very slowly. we’re heading for the Symphony Hall tonight. It’s a real royal top notch venue where you could eat your dinner off the floor. It’s a long long way from “The Old Contemptible” pub where Mick Hipkiss ran his Folk Club 50 years ago. I tootled into town in my old blue 1956 VW Beetle like I was on the pigs back. I could not believe my good fortune to be living the life of a folk singer. To be on the road hearing new music, making new friends. here in the Midlands I heard “Boys of Barr na Sraide”, Come by The Hill” “The Sun Is Burning”, Hey Sandy”, “The Old Man’s Song”, “Letter to Syracuse” and “John O’Dreams”. met Ian and Lorna Cambell, Bob Cooney, The Munstermen, Dave Phillips, Dave Pegg, John Swift, Tommy Dempsey. living the dream, hearing the songs.




Evening May 8th   Birmingham Royal Symphony Hall


I’d forgotten what a great venue this is – in the heart of the City. We got in at 4.30 for strong tea, sweet cake and a nice long sound check. some days the soundcheck is a routine matter and other days it can become a jam or a rehearsal. David Meade checks every corner and crevice to ensure that the sound travels to every seat. Dickon Whitehead mixes the monitor sound giving each of us what we need to hear. Geoff Ryan focuses the lights doing his best to hide treble chins and stained wardrobe. John Meade insures that the stage is set up precisely, all four positions to the inch, guitars restrung and tuned. come 7.30 we commence our warm up play until Michael Devine gives us the showtime ultimatum. out we go into the lap of the gods, out to face the assembled listeners from near and far, always hoping that we can deliver, determined to do so….


1.North and South

2.City of Chicago


4.Burning Times.

5.Missing You

6.Cry like a man

7.Lingo Politico

8.Irsh Pagan Ritual

9.Hiroshima Nagasaki Russian Roulette

10.Cliffs of Dooneen

11.Raggle Taggle Gypsy

12.Bright Blue Rose

13.Quince Brigada

14.John O’Dreams


16.Stitch in Time

17.Delerium Tremens

18.Magdalene Laundry

19.Go Move Shift

20.Billy Gray


22.Fairytale of New York


24.Ordinary Man

25.Ride on

  1. No Time for Love


Early Morning May 9th


Different atmosphere in Birmingham. Neither better or worse, just different. at every gig my antenna is out, I’m wondering, wondering, trying to figure it all out, what will I play next, where to go from here. I seek to play something different every night, last night “Cry Like a Man “appeared from nowhere. sometimes I read it wrong but what matter! last night I had a sense of listeners travelling from all directions. I thought back to all those midland towns I played in my apprenticeship; Coventry, Wolverhampton, Walsall and an array of Cities Towns and Villages all boasting their own unique Folk Clubs. during the gig I fantasised that all those Folk Clubs had thronged into the Symphony Hall, that I was playing in a HUGE Folk Club to an assembly of old friends. then the lights went up to reveal eighteen hundred smiling applauding listeners most of them not born when those old Folk Clubs were in existence … all ages genders shapes sizes colours and religions united by the power of song. these songs don’t rely on fashion, pumped up PR, stage effect nor costume. some of these songs have resounded for centuries across borders over mountain valley and plain….

…. These times basket is brimming with a mixture of old and new…some ancient songs side by side with recent compositions…in my mind they sit well together…”The Well below The Valley” with “Burning Times”, “Dunlavin Green” with “No Time for Love” “Lisdoonvarna” with “The Rocky Road” …. Bob Dylan with Wally Page…. Joni Mitchell with Natalie Merchant… and a few of my own thrown in at the deep end….

now it’s time to pack the bags and head to York…


May 9th York Barbican Theatre


1.North and South

2.Go Move Shift

3.Cry Like A Man


5.Morecambe Bay

6.Lingo politico

7.Nancy Spain

8.Irish Pagan Ritual

9.Burning Times

10.Fairytale New York

11.First Time ever I saw your face

12.Viva la Quince Brigada

13.Smoke and Strong Whiskey

14.Raggle Taggle Gypsy

15.Missing You

16.Black is the Colour

17.Hiroshima Nagasaki


19.Ordinary man

20.The Dalesman’s Litany


22.Ride On

23.No Time for Love


…and so, we wrapped up a most enjoyable and successful (mini) English Tour. all 4 gigs went very well, and we encountered no major difficulties along the way. the trip home had added dimension that I’d not encountered before – we carried home the ashes of a Lady …a much-loved Aunt to one of our crew. this Lady lived most of her life in England spending her later years in a retirement home. she always longed to return home and we carried her on her final journey last night.

Michael and I boarded the 3am Irish Ferry out of Holyhead. 4 hours later I was home in the Kitchen, the kettle was on ….



Thank you all for making it work



March 2018

Early 2017

It’s been a long time since the last chat. I tried to start a few times but ran out of steam, ground to a halt. Chats usually come together when I am on the road, away from home for a few days. In recent months all the work has been home based. I have been very busy here in the workroom, but busy in a way that defies inclusion. Hopefully there will be something to show for it in due course. So far this year the work has been most enjoyable. When he is available we have been joined by Cathal Hayden on Fiddle and Banjo. A masterful player of Traditional Irish Music he is also an exceptionally gifted contributor to songs. Tasteful and creative, prepared to take chances, to risk a riff, to solo into the (almost) unknown. I love that, Declan has it in spades. Playing with Declan Sinnott, Cathal Hayden and Jimmy Higgins these past months has been exhilarating for this singer. Recent nights in Vicar St, Naas, Mullingar, Ennis, Clonmel, Limerick, Waterford, Dungarvan and Gormanstown have found us hitting some sweet notes and having fun and frolics with our loyal and enthusiastic listeners. Lots of new songsters turning out to hear the songs, many visitors flying in from distant climes to share a chorus with us. The ongoing phenomenon is truly humbling and the encouragement, listening, and commitment is always appreciated and never taken for granted. Last year’s LILY CD and JOURNEY DVD are done and dusted, safely installed on the shelf here in the work room. The Planxty retrospective also entered the archive.

Early 2018

All in all, 2017 was quite a busy year. Now we are stuck into 2018 and looking ahead. Scotland looms once more. A new venue in Hamilton for which we have been rehearsing a particular song. Then on to Auld Reekie and the RCH before climbing the stair one more time – “to hell or to heaven we’ll go”. I have decided to do a series of Solo Gigs this year in the month of June. It is such a different experience. I did 2 solo gigs in Carlow and Carrick-On-Suir last year. Initially I felt totally exposed by the sparse sound and the lack of colour but as the evening continued I began to rediscover the freedom of solo playing. Old songs long since forgotten appeared out of the mist of time. It seems easier to busk intros and to gallop off in different directions. It’s also strange at first being alone in the dressing room, both while preparing for the gig and, even more so, in reflection afterwards. I have various recording plans in mind –  about 5 different albums wrestling in my head, but one is already in preparation and may see the light of day in the Autumn. Lots of interesting gigs in place and I am happy to be returning to The Marquee in Cork. We have now played it every year (bar one) since its inception. We’ll give it De Banks. Back to Southern England in the Autumn. Delighted to play the Royal Festival Hall again in September plus a few other Cities not yet confirmed. Something I must share – In recent years I have received songs from hundreds of writers. I regret that I simply cannot respond to you all. I do my best to listen but I have work here that I must prioritise on a daily basis… maybe I will one day get to listen to them all.

The tour continues, the songs reverberate, new listeners turn up as others move on to fresh pastures. We spent a lot of time last year assembling the tracks that made up “On the Road” which was released a few months back and has been well received. It was only after it was released that I remembered the name of my first album, “Paddy on The Road” which was released in 1968. A small part of me still lingers in that Old World but most of me has moved on to these more-or-less enlightened times. I love this current band with Declan Sinnott, Jim Higgins and Cathal Hayden. It’s a pure song band – everyone working towards the song, no other agenda among the rank and file. Lovely spontaneous music which lifts the songs every night. We have loose structures, We have neither set list or running order. Breaks and instrumentals emerge depending upon “the feel’ on any given night.

17th March 2018

Here we are on St. Patrick’s Day 2018. Our lives have been turned upside down by the passing of Liam O’Flynn during the week. We bade him farewell yesterday. 6 of us had the lonesome honour of shouldering our beloved comrade into the Church in Kill, County Kildare. There, along with his darling Jane, his sister Maureen, his family and friends we celebrated his life. We recalled his music and played him off. Liam and Jane have had a hard year as he struggled with declining health but, through it all, the sparkle was always there. His dear friend Paddy Glackin was steadfast in his commitment to Liam and kept us in the picture over recent months. Despite the inevitable, it still came as a shock last Wednesday morning. I have known Liam for 55 years but the enormity of his contribution really hit home when we heard the news. Liam, more than any other, brought the “Uileann” sound around the world. He was and remains “The Master” of our times. His influence upon Irish Music is incalculable. That he carried his music with humility, compassion and with a gentle sense of humour endeared Liam to all who encountered him. That sense of endearment shone through the music played yesterday in the small Church in County Kildare.

Our Piper is gone but his legacy resounds.

Click HERE for an interview with Liam  O’Flynn

Click HERE to watch a documentary about Liam O’Flynn

Homelessness Protest … 7th April 2018

Dear Listeners,

Please note this new initiative and consider being part of it. The protest will take place on Saturday, 7th April 2018 at the Garden Of Remembrance from 1 pm.
I hope to support it in any way I can…
See ye along the road..