When I’m in Dublin I always try to visit the Hugh Lane Gallery…thanks for the info about Brian Maguire’s exhibition there. Lots of online info,which is terrific…a wonderfully talented artist,getting messages across…
Today’s music is the same as Rory’s…also,powerful reading in today’s papers. I’m no fan of The Daily Express,but will credit them for today’s front page…That and items from Berlin’s astounding Topography of Terror museum will go in the ‘history box’that I keep for my young grandkids. To be passed on when they’re a bit older….
Looking at the flood of refugees returning to Northern Gaza this morning, on this day of all days, I am reminded of the great Vasily Grossman’s remarkable writing on the holocaust:
“And all these thousands, all these tens and hundreds of thousands of people, of frightened, questioning eyes, all these young and old faces, all these dark- and fair-haired beauties, these bald and hunchbacked old men, and these timid adolescents — all were caught up in a single flood, a flood that swallowed up reason, and splendid human science, and maidenly love, and childish wonder, and the coughing of the old, and the human heart.”
Taken from ‘The hell of Treblinka’ from 1944, one of the lesser known, but earliest written accounts of the death camps. Its an incredible essay, but not one for the faint hearted.
Hello Christy,
Here’s something I’ll be doing today to remember the holocaust and people murdered. https://hmd.org.uk/lightthedarkness/
At 8pm people will light candles and put them in their windows to
remember those who were murdered for who they were
stand against prejudice and hatred today
It’s a very small thing to do, but it is something.
So many good memories we could write and post about, but just a short note of love and remembrance to the amazing Wally Page on his second anniversary today. Could fill a page with favourite lyrics but today will play them out here while reminiscing on such a lovely man, a beautiful wordsmith…you have honoured him so well in all recent gigs with 3 or 4 songs in our own carousel of healing.
Hey Paddy, Hey Wally…he’ll carry you home..xx
Hi Christy,
We saw Tommy Tiernan in The Hanger at the weekend.
Phones in pouches on arrival. Bar closed for the show.
It’s the future. A new sketch about Bob Dylan giving Shane
a shoutout and them sharing a cab afterwards was funny as fuck.
Half of A Lazarus Soul and the great Steve Wickham closed
his TV show on Saturday night. Seamus O. Rourke from Leitrim
was also on. Can be a bit hit and miss. But it bates a lot of shite
on Telefis. Thanks for Monday’s setlist. Brought it all back.
Tyrone Boys, The Contender, Faithful Departed,
Smoke And Strong Whiskey – great gig.
Tabhair Aire
Dear Christy, back to Brussels today for another march for peace. It was freezing cold but compared to what the Palestinians experience it means nothing at all.,I can return to a warm house and a hot meal. Their suffering does not stop and the horror goes on during the “cease fire”. Now also on the westbank people are hunted, houses and cars are being set on fire, people get injured and killed.
What will the future bring now that a clown got the power in the USA, accompanied by people with a criminal record. I’m worried. What is wrong with the world??? How can we change it???
Yep! The Meeting Place, 100 Dorset Street! Always gets me going! I drive by it at least a couple of times a week on the way home, keep threatening to go in for a glass of lemonade! The album “Live in Dublin” always comes to mind when passing and sometimes already have it playing as I pass. Probably a long shot Christy but can you remember if any of the songs from it were Meeting Place recordings?
Was having a quick nose around on the Google machine and it threw up this snap!
And also a great little clip with Paul Brady talking to Gay Byrne about the Meeting Place and where it led (Will send in following post)
Ah, the days and nights of the Meeting Place being recalled here. That and O’Donoghues would have been my haunts back then.
Ewan and Peggy Seeger on our national TV channel fifty years ago, rather esoteric I’d say for that time and era.
I’m really sorry for mixing up the dates, of course the Auschwitz liberation date was on the 27th! Nevertheless were many demonstrations and commemoration events already yesterday and today.
Really interesting to read the news and updates from Germany…let’s hope that Woody’s prediction is right and the fascists are ‘bound to lose’…
I got lucky this afternoon. Revisited an art exhibition at The Whitworth,having enjoyed seeing the works a few weeks ago. Hadn’t realised that the exhibition ended today…so,feel privileged to have seen BarbaraWalker’s thoughts provoking pieces….
Full agreement, Birgit. Many demonstrations against the right with 50.000 or may be 80.000 people in Berlin and Cologne are giving me some hope and confidence. Even in smaller cities at the lower rhine around here demonstrations are taking place.
All the best, Christy and all.
Yesterday 80 years ago and we haven’t learned… Good to see that the liberation of the Auschwitz Birkenau concentration camp was commemorated yesterday not only in the football stadiums, but thousands of people here gathered to demonstrate against the right-wing extremists and for democracy. Sad to see that some of the Stolpersteine Dave mentioned were destroyed/dug out/painted over etc in my hometown. Frightening that more than 10% of young German adults haven’t heard about the holocaust/shoah. The right wing extremist party expected to get the second most votes in the upcoming election in February. When will we ever learn?
Thanks Hilary for posting this moving song!
“Never again” is now!
Thankyou for posting the setlist. It reminds me of songs. Ones I might have tried in the past but wasn’t ready for yet. Sometimes it’s time to revisit them. I’m finding the incubation period is much less on the guitar than the harp, and I don’t have to think so much about what to do on it. Comes more naturally. Things are improving. Don’t have a song that I think is there yet, plus I’ve had flu this last week so my voice is a bit shot at. As soon as I think one is getting reasonable, I’ll post it.
I’ve posted previously about ‘stolperstein’…they literally stopped me in my tracks on walks in Berlin…incredibly powerful mix of real life and history…well worth a few minutes of time to check out online,for readers far away from the pavements honoouring victims. D
Thank You for posting….I’ve not heard Ricky Lynch’s song since the last time I performed it live…. I still remember clearly the first time I heard Ricky sing it…. playing it here this morning it, the horror of the narrative still chills….the fact that fascism is once again on the rise, that there are holocaust deniers, that there are men and women seeking to repeat the horror that Nazis perpetrated upon our Human Race….
far as I know it has never been broadcast or requested …. I understand why….I have found it impossible to include it in my sets…it is all but impossible to follow it….I thank Ricky Lynch for writing and sharing “December 1942”
He stands up, puts himself out there where very few dare to go…..
Great to surf the posts here…such camaraderie & good humour..
And your memories – including but not only CMs – are a delight to savour
Hoping you all weathered the elements ok
I saw A Complete Unknown : as Bob hisself says: “..a good version of me..”
– I loved the movie: like catching up with old friends
Keep safe you lot
Danny Harris – here
Christy's reply
agreed Danny…..we enjoyed it thoroughly…there is talk here of going to see it again…
coincidentally, a recent rerun of The Last Waltz brought home yet again the beauty and wonder of The Band…then Garth rode his mighty organ way off into the deep blue yonder…what a Band ..those licks and harmonies like beautiful brush strokes
Hi Christy
When I’m in Dublin I always try to visit the Hugh Lane Gallery…thanks for the info about Brian Maguire’s exhibition there. Lots of online info,which is terrific…a wonderfully talented artist,getting messages across…
Today’s music is the same as Rory’s…also,powerful reading in today’s papers. I’m no fan of The Daily Express,but will credit them for today’s front page…That and items from Berlin’s astounding Topography of Terror museum will go in the ‘history box’that I keep for my young grandkids. To be passed on when they’re a bit older….
All the best
Looking at the flood of refugees returning to Northern Gaza this morning, on this day of all days, I am reminded of the great Vasily Grossman’s remarkable writing on the holocaust:
“And all these thousands, all these tens and hundreds of thousands of people, of frightened, questioning eyes, all these young and old faces, all these dark- and fair-haired beauties, these bald and hunchbacked old men, and these timid adolescents — all were caught up in a single flood, a flood that swallowed up reason, and splendid human science, and maidenly love, and childish wonder, and the coughing of the old, and the human heart.”
Taken from ‘The hell of Treblinka’ from 1944, one of the lesser known, but earliest written accounts of the death camps. Its an incredible essay, but not one for the faint hearted.
“To turn away, to close one’s eyes and walk past is to insult the memory of those who have perished.”
Hello Christy,
Here’s something I’ll be doing today to remember the holocaust and people murdered.
At 8pm people will light candles and put them in their windows to
remember those who were murdered for who they were
stand against prejudice and hatred today
It’s a very small thing to do, but it is something.
So many good memories we could write and post about, but just a short note of love and remembrance to the amazing Wally Page on his second anniversary today. Could fill a page with favourite lyrics but today will play them out here while reminiscing on such a lovely man, a beautiful wordsmith…you have honoured him so well in all recent gigs with 3 or 4 songs in our own carousel of healing.
Hey Paddy, Hey Wally…he’ll carry you home..xx
Today i shall be playing Yellow Triangle.
The 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz…..there was no one left to speak.
Hi Christy,
We saw Tommy Tiernan in The Hanger at the weekend.
Phones in pouches on arrival. Bar closed for the show.
It’s the future. A new sketch about Bob Dylan giving Shane
a shoutout and them sharing a cab afterwards was funny as fuck.
Half of A Lazarus Soul and the great Steve Wickham closed
his TV show on Saturday night. Seamus O. Rourke from Leitrim
was also on. Can be a bit hit and miss. But it bates a lot of shite
on Telefis. Thanks for Monday’s setlist. Brought it all back.
Tyrone Boys, The Contender, Faithful Departed,
Smoke And Strong Whiskey – great gig.
Tabhair Aire
Dear Christy, back to Brussels today for another march for peace. It was freezing cold but compared to what the Palestinians experience it means nothing at all.,I can return to a warm house and a hot meal. Their suffering does not stop and the horror goes on during the “cease fire”. Now also on the westbank people are hunted, houses and cars are being set on fire, people get injured and killed.
What will the future bring now that a clown got the power in the USA, accompanied by people with a criminal record. I’m worried. What is wrong with the world??? How can we change it???
Here is the clip
Yep! The Meeting Place, 100 Dorset Street! Always gets me going! I drive by it at least a couple of times a week on the way home, keep threatening to go in for a glass of lemonade! The album “Live in Dublin” always comes to mind when passing and sometimes already have it playing as I pass. Probably a long shot Christy but can you remember if any of the songs from it were Meeting Place recordings?
Was having a quick nose around on the Google machine and it threw up this snap!
And also a great little clip with Paul Brady talking to Gay Byrne about the Meeting Place and where it led (Will send in following post)
Ah, the days and nights of the Meeting Place being recalled here. That and O’Donoghues would have been my haunts back then.
Ewan and Peggy Seeger on our national TV channel fifty years ago, rather esoteric I’d say for that time and era.
I’m really sorry for mixing up the dates, of course the Auschwitz liberation date was on the 27th! Nevertheless were many demonstrations and commemoration events already yesterday and today.
Hi Christy
Really interesting to read the news and updates from Germany…let’s hope that Woody’s prediction is right and the fascists are ‘bound to lose’…
I got lucky this afternoon. Revisited an art exhibition at The Whitworth,having enjoyed seeing the works a few weeks ago. Hadn’t realised that the exhibition ended today…so,feel privileged to have seen BarbaraWalker’s thoughts provoking pieces….
http://www.barbarawalker.co.uk has great information and the exhibition catalogue is superb.
Powerful work Dave…thanks for sharing…some fine videos too…have you seen Brian Maguire’s current retrospective at The Hugh Lane Gallery in Dublin ?…
Full agreement, Birgit. Many demonstrations against the right with 50.000 or may be 80.000 people in Berlin and Cologne are giving me some hope and confidence. Even in smaller cities at the lower rhine around here demonstrations are taking place.
All the best, Christy and all.
Yesterday 80 years ago and we haven’t learned… Good to see that the liberation of the Auschwitz Birkenau concentration camp was commemorated yesterday not only in the football stadiums, but thousands of people here gathered to demonstrate against the right-wing extremists and for democracy. Sad to see that some of the Stolpersteine Dave mentioned were destroyed/dug out/painted over etc in my hometown. Frightening that more than 10% of young German adults haven’t heard about the holocaust/shoah. The right wing extremist party expected to get the second most votes in the upcoming election in February. When will we ever learn?
Thanks Hilary for posting this moving song!
“Never again” is now!
Thankyou for posting the setlist. It reminds me of songs. Ones I might have tried in the past but wasn’t ready for yet. Sometimes it’s time to revisit them. I’m finding the incubation period is much less on the guitar than the harp, and I don’t have to think so much about what to do on it. Comes more naturally. Things are improving. Don’t have a song that I think is there yet, plus I’ve had flu this last week so my voice is a bit shot at. As soon as I think one is getting reasonable, I’ll post it.
Hello Christy,
Hope this from 1975 hits the spot
I’ve posted previously about ‘stolperstein’…they literally stopped me in my tracks on walks in Berlin…incredibly powerful mix of real life and history…well worth a few minutes of time to check out online,for readers far away from the pavements honoouring victims. D
Hi Christy
http://www.hmd.org.uk has good info about events to remember genocide events and victims.
Song is a powerful medium…helps us stand up and be counted…whether a person writes,sings,listens… equally important,spreads the words of opposition
Hi C One of the most haunting songs ever written https://youtu.be/xMa9QEeAqL4?si=1V9XPQfE6oHn4u00 Let us remember .Beir bua agus beannacht. H
Thank You for posting….I’ve not heard Ricky Lynch’s song since the last time I performed it live…. I still remember clearly the first time I heard Ricky sing it…. playing it here this morning it, the horror of the narrative still chills….the fact that fascism is once again on the rise, that there are holocaust deniers, that there are men and women seeking to repeat the horror that Nazis perpetrated upon our Human Race….
far as I know it has never been broadcast or requested …. I understand why….I have found it impossible to include it in my sets…it is all but impossible to follow it….I thank Ricky Lynch for writing and sharing “December 1942”
He stands up, puts himself out there where very few dare to go…..
Great to surf the posts here…such camaraderie & good humour..
And your memories – including but not only CMs – are a delight to savour
Hoping you all weathered the elements ok
I saw A Complete Unknown : as Bob hisself says: “..a good version of me..”
– I loved the movie: like catching up with old friends
Keep safe you lot
Danny Harris – here
agreed Danny…..we enjoyed it thoroughly…there is talk here of going to see it again…
coincidentally, a recent rerun of The Last Waltz brought home yet again the beauty and wonder of The Band…then Garth rode his mighty organ way off into the deep blue yonder…what a Band ..those licks and harmonies like beautiful brush strokes